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Most Common Traffic Fines in Dubai and How to Avoid Them?

Traffic Fines in Dubai
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Dubai is famous for its dazzling skyscrapers and contemporary infrastructure, stands as a city committed to advancement while adhering to stringent laws for the preservation of order and safety. The Dubai Police enforce traffic regulations, aiming to guarantee seamless traffic flow and safeguard the welfare of residents and visitors alike. These rules are for renting a car in Dubai as well as your personal vehicle. Familiarizing yourself with prevalent Dubai new traffic laws and Dubai traffic fines is essential for avoiding unwarranted penalties.

Common Traffic Fines in Dubai

Speed Limit Fine

Speed Limit Fine in DUabi

Exceeding speed limits can be a tempting but unsafe try, and it comes with a hefty price car fine in Dubai. If you’re caught:

  • Going more than 80 KPH over the speed limit, you could face a fine of AED 3, 000, accrue 23 points, and see your car impounded for 60 days.
  •  Going more than 60 KPH over the speed limit may result in a fine of AED 2, 000, 12 points against your license, and a 30-day impoundment of your vehicle.
  •  Driving at 59 KPH or less over the speed limit may incur a fine of AED 1, 500, along with 6 points on your record and a 15-day impoundment of your car.

Additionally, there are some more different Dubai speed fines:

  •  1 to 20 KPH over the limit: AED 300 fine and 2 black points.
  •  21 to 30 KPH over the limit: AED 500 fine and 4 black points.
  •  31 to 40 KPH over the limit: AED 800 fine and 6 black points.
  •  41 to 50 KPH over the limit: AED 1, 000 fine and 8 black points.
  •  Exceeding the limit by more than 50 KPH: AED 3, 000 fine and 12 black points.

Considering the additional costs of retrieving your impounded car, avoiding such drama is undoubtedly in your best interest!

Vehicles that Disturb the Peace:

Peace Disturbing Vehicles

For a bustling place like the UAE, maintaining peace is crucial. Driving a vehicle causing noise pollution results in a fine of AED 2, 000 and 12 points. Excessive volume from blasting music or honking the horn can lead to fines of AED 400 and 4 points. Illegal modifications earn an AED 1, 000 fine, 12 points, and a 30-day car impoundment.

Overtaking on the Hard Shoulder:

Overtaking on the hard shoulder may seem like a shortcut, but it poses risks. Offenders face an AED 1, 000 fine and 6 points for creating a potentially dangerous situation on the road.

Driving Under Influence:

Driving and Drinking

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious global offense, and Dubai is no exception. The city upholds a zero-tolerance policy towards DUI to prioritize the safety of all road users.

  • DUI – Drugs: A fine of AED 20, 000, 23 black points, and license suspension.
    In addition to the substantial fine and black points, individuals convicted of DUI face suspension, the duration of which is determined by the court. Opting for a designated driver or utilizing taxi services is a responsible choice that not only can save lives but also helps avoid legal troubles.
  • Using Mobile Phones While Driving:

With the widespread use of smartphones, the practice of using mobile devices while driving has become a common issue. In Dubai, operating your phone while behind the wheel is strictly prohibited, except in emergencies.

  • Traffic Violation: Using Mobile Phone While Driving: Fine Amount (AED): 800; Black Points: 4
    To avoid penalties and prioritize safety, consider using hands-free options or pulling over in a safe location if you need to make or receive a call or text. Taking these precautions not only helps you avoid fines but also protects yourself and others from potential accidents caused by distracted driving.
  • Not Wearing Seat Belts

Seat belts are a fundamental safety measure, yet some drivers and passengers neglect to wear them. Traffic rules of Dubai include the compulsory use of seat belts for all vehicle occupants at all times.
· Traffic Violation: Not Wearing Seat Belts: Fine Amount (AED): 400; Black Points: 4
Failing to wear a seat belt not only jeopardizes lives but also results in fines and black points. Ensure that everyone in the vehicle is securely buckled up before starting your journey to avoid unnecessary penalties.

  • Littering

Throwing litter from your car window while driving is not only harmful to the environment but also against the law in Dubai. Offenders can face a fine of AED 1, 000 and six black points on their driving license. Keeping a plastic bag in your vehicle to store litter until proper disposal is advisable.

  • Parking in Non-Assigned Area

Finding parking in busy areas can be challenging, but parking outside of assigned spaces is not allowed. Violators may incur AED 200 fine and receive two black points on their driving license.

  • Reckless Driving

Dubai defines various actions as reckless driving, each with its own fines and penalties. Sudden swerving, a common offense, results in AED 1, 000 fine and four black points. Jumping a red light is a serious violation, carrying fines ranging from AED 5, 000 to 50, 000 depending on the emirate, along with 12 black points and a 30-day vehicle confiscation. Other offenses include endangering lives, not maintaining a safe distance between vehicles, and overtaking on the hard shoulder.

  • No Insurance

Driving without valid insurance and registration is a serious offense. Offenders can face a AED 500 fine, receive five black points, and have their vehicle confiscated for seven days. It is crucial for motorists to ensure their vehicles are properly insured and registered.

  • Failure to Use Headlights

According to Dubai law, drivers must use their headlights at night or during foggy weather conditions. Failure to do so can result in AED 500 fine and four black points on the driving license. This regulation aims to enhance road safety during low-visibility situations.

  • Not Giving Way for Drivers on the Left

In the UAE, where traffic moves on the right side of the road, drivers are expected to give way to vehicles on the left. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in AED 200 fine. It is essential for drivers, especially those unfamiliar with right-hand traffic, to be cautious and follow traffic rules.

  • Driving Without Number Plates

Driving without number plates is a severe offense in Dubai. Violators can face a hefty AED 3, 000 fine, receive 23 black points on their license, and have their vehicle confiscated for a substantial period—90 days. Since January 1, 2020, it has been mandatory for all personal vehicles to have newly designed license plates. Must go for Dubai number plate fine check.

  • Running a Red Light

The Red signal cross fine is considered one of the most serious one in Dubai. Disregarding traffic signals poses a significant risk to pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers. In addition to the potential for accidents and injuries, offenders face steep penalties.
· Traffic Violation: Running a Red Light: Fine Amount (AED): 800; Black Points: 8
In addition to paying the fine, offenders accumulate eight black points on their driving record. Accruing too many black points can lead to the suspension or revocation of the driving license, rendering individuals unable to drive legally in Dubai.

How to Avoid Being Fined?

car Rental fines

Avoid the fines by following traffic rules of Dubai:

Exceeding Speed Limits Fine

· Stay Informed:

Be aware of the designated speed limits on different roads and areas.

· Use Technology:

Utilize navigation apps that provide real-time speed limit information.

· Set Speed Alarms:

Sоme GPS apps allow you to set speed alarms to notify you when you exceed the limit.

· Regularly Check Speedometer:

Make it a habit to check your speedometer frequently, especially in unfamiliar areas.
· Avoid Rushing: Plan your journey with sufficient time, reducing the urge to sрeed.

· Follow Traffic Signage:

Adhere to speed limit signs and adjust your sрeed accordingly.

Vehicles that Disturb the Peace

· Maintain Your Vehicle:

Regularly service your vehicle to minimize noise pollution.
· Mind the Volume: Keep your music at a reasonable volume to avoid disturbances.

· Legal Modifications Only:

Ensure any modifications to your vehicle comply with regulations.

· Respect Public Spaces:

Avoid unnecessary honking, especially in residential areas.

Overtaking on the Hard Shoulder

· Plan Your Overtaking:

Anticipate slow-moving traffic and plan safe overtaking maneuvers.

· Patience is Key:

Avoid impulsive decisions to overcome hard shoulder.

· Use Desi gnated Lanes:

Stick to authorized overtaking lanes for a safer driving experience.

Driving Under Influence (DUI)

· Designated Driver:

Plan for a designated driver if consuming alcohol.

· Use Public Transport:

Opt for taxis or rideshare services if you’ve consumed substances.

· Know Your Limits:

Be aware of your alcohol or drug tolerance levels.
Using Mobile Phones While Driving

· Hands-Free Devices:

Invest in hands-free options to attend calls without distractions.

· Pull Over:

If needed, find a safe spot to pull over before using your phone.

· Prevent Distractions:

Set your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode while driving.
Not Wearing Seat Belts

· Buckle Up Always:

Make it a rule for all passengers to wear seat belts before moving.

· Be a Role Model:

Encourage others in the vehicle to prioritize safety.

· Check Passengers:

Ensure everyone in the vehicle is securely fastened.


· Carry a Waste Bag:

Keep a small waste bag in your vehicle to collect trash.
· Dispose Properly: Wait until you find a designated bin to dispose of litter.

Parking in a Non-Assigned Area

· Plan Parking:

Identify authorized parking spaces before reaching your destination.

· Patience:

Take the time to find a legal parking spot rather than risking fines.
Reckless Driving

· Stay Calm:

Avoid aggressive driving behavior, including sudden swerving.

· Follow Traffic

Signals: Respect traffic signals and avoid jumping red lights.
No Insurance

· Check Validity:

Ensure your vehicle insurance is always up-to-date.

· Verify Rental Coverage:

If using a rental, confirm insurance coverage.
Failure to Use Headlights

· Develop a Habit:

Make it a habit to turn on your headlights during low-visibility conditions.

· Regular Checks:

Ensure your headlights are functioning correctly.
Not Giving Way for Drivers on the Left

· Stay Alert:

Be mindful of other drivers, especially when changing lanes.

· Follow Traffic Flow:

Adapt to the right-hand traffic flow in the UAE.
Driving Without Number Plates

· Ensure Proper Display:

Always have your vehicle’s number plates properly displayed.

· Updated Plates:

Ensure your plants comply with the latest design regulations.
Running a Red Light

· Respect Signals:

Always stop at red lights to avoid severe penalties.

· Anticipate Changes:

Be prepared for signal changes and drive defensively.
By following these guidelines, you contribute to safer roads, protect your driving record, and avoid unnecessary fines in Dubai. Safe travels!

Why are Traffic Fines Compulsory to Pay?

Traffic fines are compulsory to pay in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to serve as a deterrent and discourage reckless driving behavior. They are designed to enhance road safety by penalizing offenses in proportion to their severity, such as speeding, illegal parking, and failure to wear a seatbelt. The fines aim to regulate and enforce traffic laws, with each emirates having the authority to determine specific amounts based on local priorities.
Paying traffic fines reinforces the concepts of responsibility and accountability among drivers, offering a tangible consequence for violating traffic rules. The black points system further adds accountability, as accumulating a certain number can result in license suspension. Vehicle impoundment is also a potential consequence for severe violations or repeat offenses. Overall, compulsory payment of fines contributes to the broader goal of promoting safe and responsible driving behavior in the UAE.

What is the UAE Black Point System?

The UAE Black Points System is a way for traffic authorities to make sure drivers follow the rules and keep the roads safe. In the UAE, if a driver breaks traffic rules, thet get black points on their license. If they get too many black points, their license can be taken away.
The number of black points depends on how serious the rule-breaking is, ranging from 2 to 12 points. Common offenses that give black points include speeding, driving under the influence, using a phone while driving, and running a red light.
To enforce this system, the UAE uses things like road cameras and technology that recognizes license plates. If a driver breaks a rule, thet get a fine and black points on their license. If they get 24 black points in two years, their license is suspended for three months. If they get 36 black points, their license is taken away.
To get their license back, a driver has to take a test again and go to a safety course. To avoid getting black points, drivers should always follow traffic rules like speed limits, wearing seat belts, and using a hands-free device for calls. Regularly checking their vehicle for problems can also help avoid breaking rules.

How To Check Your Traffic Fines in the UAE (UAE Fines Inquiry)

Don’t forget to check license fines in Dubai if you have witnessed any issue. Car fine check in Dubai is easy and can be done through various methods:


  • To check Dubai traffic fines, visit the “Traffic Fines Inquiry” e-service on the Dubai Police website.
    · For Abu Dhabi traffic fines, use the “Traffic Fines Inquiry” e-service on the Abu Dhabi Police website.

Mobile Apps:

  • Download Dubai’s RTA App or Abu Dhabi’s I-Wave App on your smartphone to check fines using your vehicle’s license plate number.


  • In Dubai, send an SMS to 60050000 with your license plate number.
    · In Abu Dhabi, send an SMS to 3070 with your license plate number.

Customer Service Centers:

  • Visit a Police Customer Service Center in Dubai or Abu Dhabi and check your license using your license plate number.

Police Stations:

  • Visit a Police Station in Dubai or Abu Dhabi and provide your license plate number to check for fines.
    · Regularly checking for fines is crucial to avoid late payment fees and other penalties.

How To Pay Traffic Fines in the UAE

In the UAE, you can pay traffic fines through various methods:

Online Payment:

  • Visit the Dubai Police website or RTA website, log in, view fines, and pay using a credit or debit card.

Bank Payment:

  • Major banks like Emirates NBD and Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank allow fine payment at branches or through online services.

RTA Center Payment:

  • Visit an RTA center in person and pay at the customer service desk using cash, credit, or debit cards.

Mobile Applications:

  •  Use mobile apps such as Dubai Now or mPay to make payments.
  • Remember, paying fines promptly is crucial to avoid increasing amounts. If you have multiple fines, you can choose to pay them together or in installments. If you believe a fine is unjust, you can appeal online or at an RTA center, providing additional evidence to support your case.

How to Appeal Traffic Fines In the UAE?

  •  Gather all relevant information, including the traffic violation details and any evidence you have to support your appeal.
  •  Check the deadline for submitting an appeal. In Dubai, you have 30 days from the date of the violation to appeal, while in Abu Dhabi you have 60 days.
  •  Visit the Dubai Police website or the Abu Dhabi Police website, and select the “traffic fines” option to access the online appeal form.
  •  Fill out the form with all required information, including the details of your violation and the grounds for your appeal.
  •  Submit the appeal form along with any supporting evidence.
  •  You will receive a confirmation of your appeal, and it will be reviewed by the relevant authorities.
  •  If your appeal is accepted, you may be able to pay a reduced fine or have the violation canceled. If your appeal is rejected, you will have to pay the full fine.

Note: In some cases, you may also be able to appeal a traffic fine in person at a police station or a traffic department in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. It is advisable to check the specific procedures and requirements on the official websites mentioned above.


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AED 39 /day
AED 1070 /mo.
AED 49 /day
AED 1350 /mo.
AED 69 /day
AED 1370 /mo.